Have you ever gone into an employment interview and had the question ask of you, “Where do you see yourself in five years”?
Well, we all have wonderful expectations of where we hope we will be. From the very beginning of the utilization of this process of questioning I remember being on both sides thinking, “Where will I be”? How many kids will I have? Will I be successful in ministry (which I am still trying to figure out after 8 full-time pastorates and 21 associate positions what a successful ministry is)?
I never thought I would be sitting in a restaurant in deep South Texas one minute and end up in the ER the next to find out I was an epileptic! That surely wasn’t in my plan. But praise God, I found out I had actually had it all my life and it just finally caught up with me. So now I...
the church in five years, the church in trouble, the declining church
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