Whoever said knowing God's will was easy?
Recently, while waiting in line to be checked out at the supermarket, I overheard two ladies (who I assumed were Christians) discussing the various aspects of finding, knowing and accepting God's will. Quite frankly, for a little while I thought I was listening to a pretty good sermon. Suddenly, one woman boldly stated, "Honey, if you don't know what God's will is, then you just ain't saved . . . just ain't NO doubt about it." . Well there went the sermon.
Unfortunately, there continues within certain venues of Christianity what I like to call the "Super Spiritual Syndrome". This is the contemporary version of the problem the Apostle Paul encountered in the days of the New Testament, of which we often refer to as 'LEGALISM". It is the idea that, I got it, I know it, I'm doing it and if you're not, then you couldn't possibly be saved. Well, it just isn’t so. Most BELIEVERS, including pastors, evangelist, and the Old and New Testament saints STRUGGLED constantly with finding, knowing, accepting and actually DOING the will of God.
The TRUTH is, unless you are seeking God's...
genuine christianity, knowing gods will, super spiritual, the will of god
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